Monitoring and stocking of the crucian carp in Doupovské hory

In April, we visited a beautiful site near Jakubov in Doupovské hory, where in cooperation with within the framework of their project Restoring Natural Habitats (more here:, we carried out monitoring and stocking of the crucian carp and sunbleak.

We confirmed the presence of a stable population of the crucian carp in the local pond. This population had already been genetically tested, so there was no doubt that it is a pure crucian carp. Using umbrella traps, over 100 individuals were caught over two days. These individuals were subsequently released into their newly revitalised pond.

A bonus was the discovery of the critically endangered sunbleak in a nearby sandpit, whose individuals were also stocked in the new pond. Whether both species are thriving and breeding successfully in the new pond will be confirmed by planned monitoring in the near future.

The discovery of a critically endangered sunbleak in a nearby sandpit.