The Save the crucian carp project was supported by the European Union's Next Generation EU Fund.
Since 1 January 2024 we have been implementing the project "Involving youth in the conservation of critically endangered fish species as part of water retention measures in the landscape".
The aim of the project is to engage and develop key competences of primary school pupils and teachers in climate change affecting native fauna. The project will provide environmental education to pupils who will be involved in the identification, reintroduction of species (crucian carp, sunbleak) and monitoring of suitable habitats. Project implementation period: January 2024 - November 2025.The expert guarantor of the project is RNDr. Marek Šmejkal, Ph.D. Biological Centre of the CAS, the project ambassador is Mgr. Vladimír Kořen, the presenter of the Czech Television show "Nature's Wonders" and teacher of the 3rd Primary School near Říčanský Forest in Říčany. We will gradually bring news and videos from the activities implemented in the project.